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Online Voice Lessons
Do you love singing? Want to improve your technique and build your confidence? Whatever it is that brings you to your singing lesson I will tailor your lesson to your needs. 

I am a vocal coach with more than 13 years of experience teaching beginner as well as advanced singers.

My philosophy is to give students the tools to combine a healthy voice technique with the pleasure of singing!
Lessons can be taught in English or in French.

Genres/Styles that I teach: Classical (Opera, Art song, Oratorio...),  Pop music...

Online voice lessons are very effective, secure and private and give you a chance to improve your voice in the comfort of your home. 

So if you love singing, want the perfect opportunity to sing in a non-judgmental setting and get the tools to find your authentic voice: My online private vocal lessons are made for you!


Price for online lessons


1h:    €65 

                  $75 (USD)




45mn: €55 

                   $60 (USD)




30mn: €45 






 €. Bank transfer via IBAN.  for students using other currencies than €. Payments with WISE with your own currency. Many more currencies are available! 


Official Freelance, I send an invoice after each lesson


In order to avoid last-minute cancelation, it is asked to pay for the lesson at least 24h in advance. No refund if the lesson is canceled after 24h. Possibility to pay in advance for a pack of 5 or 10 lessons. 



Laurène.B, Amsterdam, The NL

"Adéline is an amazing singer and mentor and always listening and adapting to her student's needs. Thanks to her, I have managed to sing without being scared and have enjoyed our lessons a lot!" !




What are Adéline's singing lessons like?


For a one-hour lesson (which I recommend for an adult), the lesson is divided into 3 highlights.  

Each part is connected and linked to the others!


    1) Body warm-up, work on posture and breathing. +/- 10mn


Can you imagine a violinist starting to play without tuning his violin? It is the same for the singer! We need to tune our instrument which is our body. During my training I followed the teachings of methods such as the Alexander technique or Feldenkrais. Approaches I use to address posture, connection with our instrument etc…

The breathing: for us voice athletes, breathing is essential. There is no proper functioning of the voice without mastery of breathing. The "theory" around breathing can be understood in a very short time. However, the acquisition of the gesture will take more time and thanks to the various exercises will gradually become automatic (like a lot of learning: walking, cycling, driving, etc.).



2) Vocal technique exercises. +/- 20, 25mn
During this part of the class, personalized vocal exercises (each voice is different!) are proposed. The objectives are multiple… to warm up, to improve performance, to explore sounds, to work on knowing your voice (range...)...



3) The singing!  +/- 25, 30mn


For this last part of the lesson, we will approach the repertoire, the song. You will then be able to put into practice certain learned techniques…to interpret, to express yourself…! You are the artist, you are the one who sings whatever your reasons. Here, my role as a teacher will be to be able to give you tips, and advice, to be able to develop your singing / interpretation thanks to the axes of progression that I / we will have identified. You have a toolbox that will be filled more and more. You will gradually have tools that you can use according to your needs.



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